2.x snippet: Friends of Chevy Chase Circle

Friends of Chevy Chase Circle

District of Columbia - Maryland


Friends of Chevy Chase Circle

. . . Cultivating a Treasured Landmark

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A Name Change For the Fountain!!

February 23, 2021: In an effort that has been many years in the making but rose to a crescendo this past summer, Representative Jamie Raskin and Eleanor Holmes-Norton have introduced a bill to Congress to change the official name of the fountain in Chevy Chase Circle from the Francis G. Newlands Memorial fountain to... nothing! As another name has not been designated at this point in time, the fountain will remain unnamed and it’s just as well because the fountain was dedicated back in 1933 by an Act of Congress and only an Act of Congress can re-name the fountain.

News release related to the bill Norton, Raskin Reintroduce Bill to Remove Name of Segregationist from Chevy Chase Circle

Amongst other community groups calling for the name change to the fountain, here is the Resolution passed and promulgated by the Friends of Chevy Chase Circle, Board of Directors:

The Friends of Chevy Chase Circle, Inc. (FoCCC) is a local, nonprofit organization whose mission is to renew, beautify, maintain, and protect Chevy Chase Circle. In furtherance of this mission, FoCCC works with the National Park Service to cultivate and enhance the beauty and integrity of Chevy Chase Circle, including its fountain. FoCCC believes that the Circle should be a place that is welcoming to all.

The Fountain was named for Senator Francis G. Newlands, a land developer and white supremacist, who held views incompatible with FoCCC’s beliefs in a diverse and inclusive community, based on equality and respect. FoCCC stands with the residents of the Chevy Chase communities in the District of Columbia and Maryland and with others in supporting the removal of the name of Francis G. Newlands and the stone memorial dedication to him from the fountain and the plaque honoring him near the fountain. Further, FoCCC also supports community efforts to change the fountain’s name.
